Sunday, September 12, 2010

September 11, 2010

Driving on the West Side Highway yesterday listening to Scott Simon, I remembered Saturday September 16, 2001. I lived in Boston then but headed to NY as soon as I could, as a matter of course, like a planet falling out of orbit toward the sun. I imagined the other cars on the road that day also carried New Yorkers who, like me, couldn't stand to read from afar the reports of non-natives leaving the city in fear. I cried listening to the solemn broadcast. My car seemed to drive itself home.

Later yesterday afternoon I drove to Brooklyn to visit friends. At the last minute I swerved right instead of heading left down the ramp to the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel. Instead of imagining the horror many endured stranded under New York Harbor 9 years ago, I watched hundreds of people enjoying the comfortable sunshine and walking safely across the Brooklyn Bridge.

After dinner I went to the Promenade.

I finished the night with great music and more old friends. A New York place with New York people. The greatest place on earth.


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