Sunday, October 30, 2005

A Metaphor I love

Chris Matthews: "How does he get to the cold side of the pillow?"

This said asking how President Bush gets to a new successful strategy after his worst week as president.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Reprehensible Froth

You know it's time for a correction when this is the behavior encouraged by the housing bubble. I can hear some murmuring in the background that it is rent regulation, not the free market driven housing price explosion that leads to such behavior. Or maybe landlords are just plain more susceptible to being blinded by greed.

It's probably all three. I wonder what the Freakenomics guys would say.

I love New York.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Another whistleblower

and what a suprise, she is a woman.

Add Bunny Greenhouse to the list of female whistleblowers. See story about her just aired on NOW with David Brancaccio and information about her legal defense fund.

Members of this growing club of female whistleblowers include Cynthia Cooper (WorldCom), Colleen Rowley (FBI) and Sherron Watkins (Enron, of course). I am not sure if my hunch that whistleblowers are more likely to be women is supported by good data. The power structure of our society at all levels protects men, and not women. Women have less to lose, maybe, by being a whistleblower. Men are seduced by membership in the old boys clubs. With all the rights and privileges that membership brings them come obligations, no doubt.

Again nothing new here, just me saying I am glad women are out there calling it as they see it.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Definitely need to learn to multitask

I am not blogging until the text book chapter that has been bogging me down for months is done. On the home stretch now.

This second I am in the reference room at Butler library, Columbia University. Wonderful, if dim and impractical, beaux arts chandeliers ala Grand Central. And the intoxicating, deep breath in ..... and out, smell of worn books.

This may be the first positive consequence of my having attended medical school at Physicians and Surgeons.