Friday, September 23, 2005

Turns out the reporter was NBC's David Gregory

This is from the NBC Nightly News blog, written by David Gregory about today's interaction with Bush.

During his visit to FEMA emergency operations center here in Washington
today, I asked the President what good he thinks he could do traveling to the
hurricane zone later today in anticipation of Rita. He initially brushed off
questions, but then spun around to say, "We will make sure that my entourage
does not get in the way of people doing their job."
What a difference a
botched hurricane makes!
The same President who appeared just a tad aloof
taking in Katrina's wrath from Air Force One, or strumming a guitar after a
speech as Katrina was striking, is now desperately seeking a new photo
opportunity to symbolize his stewardship in response to Rita.
Then we
received late word today that Mr. Bush has scrapped his trip to San Antonio
where he was going to visit search and rescue teams staging for the storm. Those
teams are moving east to follow the storm track and the White House says the
President didn't want to slow that down. Mr. Bush will ride out the storm in
Colorado at Northern Command to view the military response to Rita.


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