Friday, September 23, 2005

The Greatest Place on Earth

is electing a Mayor in November. Here are the websites of our candidates Mike Bloomberg and Fernando Ferrer. As I see it, the choice is clear. Ferrer, in one of the democratic primary debates, called Bloomberg a "caretaker mayor," charging him with not moving the city forward in his term. Well, he's had the good sense not to repeat that statement, as far as I can tell. After 9/11, caretaking is what the city needed. There are a number of problems worsening on Bloomberg's watch, no doubt. There are noticably more homeless. The gap between the rich and the poor is widening. There is nowhere left to live. In Manhattan, apartments cost an average of $1150 a square foot (!!!) But on the other hand, the NYPD is looked to by the Feds at times for superior anti-terrorism intelligence. And I want to feel safe at night.

Re-elect Bloomberg.


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