Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Motherhood precludes becoming famous Yale grad

Check out this story in today's NYT. Apparently the time off from work to be with kids significantly lowers one's chances of becoming famous.

Also, Tierney in the op-ed page suggests replacing FEMA with Wal-mart. Is the only incentive to help other pwople in our country economic self interest? I doubt that Wal-mart acts solely altruistically and expects to gain financially from the image. Can no government agency ever run efficiently solely becuase it is a government agency? Is the only way around government inefficiency to leave us all in the hands of the private sector? Is there no person available to lead our government with only the incentive of helping other people? Is Mike Bloomberg close? He brings a CEO mind and efficiency. Use the comments button to let me know what you think.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Yale article was very interesting. It seems that a lot of it has to do with what is socially acceptable. If these women know that they want to be mothers, why are they going to college? Well, I'm sure there are many reasons, one of which may be that they are intellectually curious and want to continue to learn in a rigorous academic setting. However, another reason may be that it (going to college) is what they're expected to do. All intelligent young women (and men, for that matter) must go to college after high school--or so our society would have one think. So are women and men going to college just to fulfill the socially accepted norm? Perhaps they are--not that there's anything wrong with that!

11:23 PM  

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